Clark and Scarlett have said some pretty cute things in recent months, things that have sort of dawned on Clark now that he's in elementary school. Right after Halloween, Clark (who is a math whiz and asires to be a bookworm) said, "Mom, did you know there are two kinds of NERDS? The kind you get trick-or-treating, and the other kind, like me, a nerd." We reassured him quickly that we love nerds, both the candy and smart kids.
Now that soccer has concluded and it's bone chilling freezing in Colorado, Clark is escaping early from school each Friday to attend basketball practice so that his team is fully prepared for their season debut come January.
We took a trip to see Granny "Tinker" Katharine Roe, Gates 95-year old grandmother over Thanksgiving and it was a long 15-hour drive each way from Denver to St. Paul, but it was well worth every moment in the car. We got to spend tons of time with our beautiful and entertaining children and we savored every minute with Granny. To top it off, we were fortunate enough to stay on Belfield Farm with Gates' aunt Kathy Roe Cross and her husband Tonny Cross, in from their place in Montana, and we just adore them.
Just to give you a taste of how incredible Belfield Farm is, please click below and watch our fun little video. It's an 8-minute summary of our time over Thanksgiving touring the farm. This is where Gates' father and siblings grew up, and where his late uncle Johnny and aunt Sandra raised their now adult children (with their own children), Kip, David and Susan. At the end of the video you get a glimpse of how our kids got to see their second cousins Haley, Liza & Ella on video doing the Nutcracker in a Nutshell in Bozeman, MT, and how they suddenly have an interest in ballet. This could get interesting.
We look forward to the holidays and a new year. Our thanks to you for visiting our web site and for sharing in our positive outlook for 2010!
~ The Roes